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  • osan's Avatar
    05-16-2024, 04:57 PM
    NPR was going on about how Fico is the Slovak counterpart of Trump and that the gunman "acted alone", all this just hours after the fact. That NPR crystal ball must really be something.
    17 replies | 430 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    05-16-2024, 05:30 AM
    Today we speak briefly and in broad strokes for the sake of something upon which to cognitively chew. The quality of our material lives is largely determined by ratios. This is especially so in all things economic, where affordability is a key factor. The ability of someone to purchase a given product or service rests primarily with his ability to afford, all else equal. The ability to afford is primarily a question of the ratio of one's disposable reserves to price. In recent decades, that ratio has fallen, at times sharply as a consequence of economic "events" of a decidedly non-organic nature, the latest having been the disruption of economic supply chains caused by the nearly universal global responses of "governments" to the so-called "pandemic". By the way, I view such unwavering uniformity with deep suspicion. Few things human take on this character. As the ratio of reserves to price falls, the ability to afford even basics for daily life becomes ever more deeply strained. Many people do not see this simple relationship, largely due to a dangerous lack of education in basic economics†, and also in part to the vast oceans of noise with which the average man is now bombarded on a minute-by-minute basis. The signal to noise RATIO (<-- there's that word again) is now dangerously low. People on the average are now so beset with problems, most of each of which may be low in intensity, but with numbers of them legion, that they are overwhelmed such that basic living has become an overbearing burden with stresses in every nook and cranny of their daily lives. And of course, none of this is natural. Nearly every shred of it is artificially imposed upon us by those in power. The currently prevailing conditions of stress serve to keep vast proportions (another reference to ratios) of people off-balance as they struggle to move from one moment to the next in even the simplest of life's endeavors. Keeping people's eyes focused on the ground between their feet keeps those eyes off the so-called "elite" enough to allow the latter to continue their ultimately destructive machinations. To all appearances, these endeavors of power are intended to enrich those in power in one manner or another at the expense of the rest. It is so because the political class want it all for themselves, and therefore choose to see the circumstance of humanity on the whole as a zero-sum game. For Themme (those in material power), there is no other way to view things, and the attitude and decision to take the world as a zero-sum affair arises generally not of naive ignorance, but of informed (though perhaps tacit) awareness and the deliberate will to make things so, often under their purposeful subscription to delusional notions of the "greater good" to which they attach themselves, that they may proceed under the psychotic belief that they are doing good for all. It is further instructive to note the damning nature of the fact that such people never include themselves on the list of those to get the short shrift. Somehow, and however tacitly, they always find themselves on the beneficiary side of the dividing line.
    0 replies | 215 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    05-15-2024, 09:09 PM
    Only watched the first five minutes, but in that time it seems the situation has been a bit over-simplified. "Seventy five thousand bombs...", OOoooo... Firstly, I don't trust either party to the door, but we have to start somewhere. Thus far there is no evidence beyond reputation to suggest that the initial attack by Hamas was the result of Israeli machinations. If appearances reflect truth, then I can only ask what would YOU do, were you in Israel's position? Personally, I would have no hesitation to wipe the people of Gaza from the earth, all else equal. If Israel was "up to something" that purposefully precipitated the attack, then fie on them and let them burn to the man. But in the absence of evidence, I cannot fault Israel's response, as horrible as the results have been. They've had enough of the bullshit, I suspect. Who wants to blow up at the market on a Tuesday morning? Nobody, I suspect, who is not mentally deranged. And infants in microwaves? Is that also a lie peddled by Jooz? The information war is a disaster area such that basically nobody's word can be taken on faith and all the evidence or lack thereof serves only to make the landscape non-readable to sensible men. Between this load of bullshit, that between Russia and Ukraine, and all the other wild and wooley idiocies that beset this world, it is a wonder to my mind that things have not flown apart already. The worst of it all is that we have chosen this mess - or rather, a small subset of humanity has foisted virtually all human disaster upon the rest and, even more sadly, that remainder has idly allowed it. The Israelis have no obligation to temper their response to the attack, so all this talk against them is a steaming mountainous pile, IMO. Demanding they do so is like demanding that the man about to be murdered temper his defense reaction to his assailant. It is idiotic, prima facie, not to mention its moral depravity. Nobody owes their life to another and no nation owes its existence to another. These calls for temperance are themselves evidence of a deep soul-cancer in those who make them. My pity on both sides goes to the children who have done nothing to deserve what has been doled to them.
    1 replies | 434 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    05-15-2024, 05:38 AM
    It would seem either you missed my point, or have consciously skirted it. As in not succeeding or not failing? I'd rather not assume your meaning. Over production is, all else equal, a microeconomic decision based on that sweet spot on the efficiency curve. One can "over produce" and still make optimal profit and serve the market with equal efficiency. It all really turns on how one views these things. Use the right standard and saving the lives of sick children can be convincingly peddled as some brand of ultimate evil.
    620 replies | 56764 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    05-12-2024, 11:16 AM
    If someone is throwing millions at me, I will not step out of the way. Au contraire, mon ami. When I did my MBA we did endless case studies on precisely this issue. The fact is that what one company is able to accomplish, others cannot. It tends to be a subtle and often complicated interplay of factors. The bottom line is that the big automakers may well be unable to pull off a Tesla. I would add that just because Tesla is doing well now, as the scam that is the EV begins to unravel, Tesla may find itself heading for ultimate doom.
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  • osan's Avatar
    05-11-2024, 11:58 AM
    This is interesting as it raises the question once more of whose rights we are speaking. There are those of individuals, and then there are those of corporate fictions. Rand said he thought there was a good constitutional case against banning tiktok. I disagree, and here's why: tiktoc is a corporate entity and in my opinion, contrary to SCOTUS who has botched countless cases, does not hold valid claim to rights to free speech equal to those of a living human being. Given the nature of corporations, and especially considering their characteristics and advantages of superorganization, it is my opinion that their rights may be more tightly circumscribed than may those of an individual. Should producers of medicines be able to lie or employ deceit in the marketing of their drugs? May auto manufacturers lie or use deceit in advertising their vehicles, especially where fuel economy and crash worthiness are concerned? A man may lie all day long about having been an olympic gold medal winner, all else equal. I find no analog right that might be reasonably assigned to a corporation. In my opinion there is no constitutional right for tiktok to do business in America. There is a precedent-established right to do so, but that is not the same as an inherent right because it is synthetic and not "natural". I agree with Rand's point about the invalidity of the "what-if" logic he claims pervades the legislation in question. Such bans are cancer, as is the thinking used to justify them. Why not tax unrealized profits while you're at it? Oh wait... Stooping to China's level seems a failure in creative thinking, but the security concerns are real and they are valid. I'm sure, however, that people more clever than myself could come up with a better solution. The deeper question, of course, is the age old issue concerning the state of general humanity. We're nasty little apes ready to see those we view with suspicion taken out behind the chemical sheds to have double-taps administered to their heads. We're thieving, warring, paranoids ready to consume the planet for the sake of our manifold failings, many of which would be readily corrected were we cut of a better cloth. Actually, I think we're corduroy.
    3 replies | 1259 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    05-10-2024, 06:15 AM
    That's NOT what she said. She said "it was the party that fought for the little guy." She said NOTHING in those first few statements about sales. Pay some damned proper attention and stop being so eager to pick fights because your feet wind up in your gullet.
    27 replies | 2614 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    05-09-2024, 11:10 PM
    The actual term "hate speech", originated in the 80s (and please correct me if my memory is mangled). I remember when the first "hate speech" laws made the news. My reaction was as it is today: this is an utter and rank absurdity that should have been stamped out by SCOTUS from the get-go. Well, it should never have arisen in the first place, of course, but American politics being what it is, anyone with an IQ would be able to comfortably predict such nonsense as inevitable. I've gone about about the dangerous stupidity the term itself represents for at least 30 years. "Cancer" comes to mind, and here we all these decades later in some sorry shape that shows no end any time before the sun goes nova. We get what we tolerate.
    2 replies | 776 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    05-09-2024, 10:59 PM
    Because your fellow humans, being predators, will prey on you if you allow it. Welcome to Earth, the mafia planet. We're all wiseguys here...
    27 replies | 2614 view(s)
  • osan's Avatar
    05-09-2024, 10:56 PM
    You mean #47: on all fours, butt high and waiting for the insertion?
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  • osan's Avatar
    05-09-2024, 10:51 PM
    OK, Gabbard commits credibility suicide in the first 30 or so seconds of opening her yap, stating that the Democrat party was the party "for the little guy". She is either lying through her teeth (likely), ignorant beyond all redemption (likely), morally bereft (likely), or all three (most likely). I would not use that woman as toilet paper, nor would I trust her to tell me water was wet. She gives me the creeps to the marrow. She is a Democrat who knows her party has no credibility, save with the most pathological among its adherents. This has driven her to make this sadly transparent bail for the sake of her pathetic political ambitions, in the attempt to fool people into believing she is worth more than the cardboard match with which one would set her gasoline-soaked self ablaze. Same pig, different lipstick. My advice to her would be to go into porn where she could make a buck, we could finally see her tits, and she could do far less to harm the world than were she to even become city dog catcher, much less anything more politically significant. All I see when I look at her is a great cancerous tumor. Now let me tell you how I REALLY feel...
    27 replies | 2614 view(s)
  • susano's Avatar
    05-09-2024, 01:42 AM
    Pretty funny shit right here:
    86 replies | 3575 view(s)
  • susano's Avatar
    05-09-2024, 01:27 AM
    I'm sure he's right. I'd love to know who he's thinking of.
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  • osan's Avatar
    05-08-2024, 08:34 PM
    Oh thank God. i've had enough insanity for one week.
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  • susano's Avatar
    05-08-2024, 08:16 PM
    Judas Johnson is so full of himself, too. Makes him ever harder to stomach. Love Marjorie. She's been nothing but pleasant surprises. I'm glad she did this and I see it as a worthy shot across the bow, regardless of today's result.
    24 replies | 841 view(s)
  • susano's Avatar
    05-08-2024, 08:11 PM
    It was that hopium at the end that was the hook: We WILL WIN BIG - AND IT WILL BE SOON!
    54 replies | 2945 view(s)
  • susano's Avatar
    05-08-2024, 08:05 PM
    Reminds me how after the election and a rally crowd was yelling "Lock her up!" and he said that was good for when he was running but not once he'd won and "Hillary is good people".
    54 replies | 2945 view(s)
  • susano's Avatar
    05-07-2024, 01:57 AM
    Sarah Palin Michelle Bachman Kristi Noem Marsha Blackburn, I suspect, as well. Certainly a bunch from the south. Neocons who aren't Jews but may as well be. It's British Israelism. The Synagogue of Satan masquerading as Christianity, serving "their father below", to quote CS Lewis, and thinking they're doing God's work.
    24 replies | 841 view(s)
  • susano's Avatar
    05-07-2024, 01:27 AM
    And, regarding that, does anyone ever remember Nancy Pelosi giving one inch? I don't.
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  • susano's Avatar
    05-07-2024, 01:25 AM
    He probably never thought that would be literal. Speaker Omnibus Bible Thumper Rapturetard Chosen People First Judas Johnson. So, is Gaetz in the doghouse now? He sure can't be feeling too good about how this panned out. Explain this: Massie voted against the continuing resolution but said Tuesday it was "the least worst of a bunch of bad options." If the House bill hadn't passed, he said, it's likely that a Senate-drafted continuing resolution including a higher level of spending—mostly because of added military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine, which was left out of the House measure—would have become law. How can the Senate introduce a higher level of spending when the constitution gives the House the sole responsibility for introducing bills on spending? I do recall that was violated when Reagan was president.
    24 replies | 841 view(s)
  • susano's Avatar
    05-06-2024, 11:55 PM
    Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) failed to concede to Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Thomas Massie (R-KY) after a two-hour meeting Monday in which the duo continued pressing for Johnson to resign and end his coalition government with Democrats. Greene told reporters after the meeting that she and Massie “had a very long discussion with Speaker Johnson. We’ll be meeting with him again tomorrow based on the discussion and then I’ll have more information.” Johnson said after the meeting that he “understand the frustration. I share it. I would really like to advance much more of our conservative policy on a daily basis here. But, the reality is we are working with the smallest majority in U.S. history with a one vote margin.” What a lying sack of shit this guy is.
    24 replies | 841 view(s)
  • susano's Avatar
    05-06-2024, 11:07 PM
    "Christian conservative" is a red flag for me because they all seem to be Israel firsters (dispensationalists). Find me an Orthodox Christian and I might be interested.
    24 replies | 841 view(s)
  • susano's Avatar
    05-06-2024, 11:04 PM
    I hope he moves fast. What got me in that tweet was this: His opponents were actually campaigning to open up the path even more to increase the flow of illegals to the US That appears to be nothing short of sheer malice.
    8 replies | 418 view(s)
  • susano's Avatar
    05-06-2024, 10:33 PM
    1787555725763314092 BREAKING: Panama's new president José Mulino has promised to put an end to illegal migrants going through his country to cross the United States border. He defeated all the communist & socialist ruling parties in a MASSIVE upset Mulino has pledged to shut down the crossing and deport migrants who break Panamanian law, saying that he “will not permit thousands of illegals to pass through our territory like nothing, without control.” His opponents were actually campaigning to open up the path even more to increase the flow of illegals to the US He was originally supposed to be Vice President under Ricardo Martinelli but the current government sentenced Martinelli to 10 years for embezzlement & money laundering, Mulino became the Presidential candidate after that. Their Conservative Populist party had zero seats in the National Assembly and now they control the presidency. God has visited Panama
    8 replies | 418 view(s)
  • susano's Avatar
    05-06-2024, 10:23 PM
    Maxine Waters embraced Damien Williams, the infamous thug who hurled a chunk of concrete at truck driver Reginald Denny and performed a victory dance over this innocent man’s battered body. Maxine Waters even visited Damien Williams’ mother to offer her support. Williams was sent to prison on a single felony charge of mayhem, but when his accomplices got off, Waters joined in the celebration. Damien Williams was released a few years later and went on to murder somebody else in 2000. He is still in prison today serving out a 46-year sentence.. Also, no surprise, he was a member of the Crips.
    13 replies | 499 view(s)
  • susano's Avatar
    05-06-2024, 10:11 PM
    I don't know anything about record before he was speaker but he seems to be a very deceitful player. There are so damn many of them.
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  • susano's Avatar
    05-06-2024, 05:58 PM
    Brian4Liberty For some reason that piano piece makes me feel like I'm gonna cry! Totally off topic, I know, but it's so moving.
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  • susano's Avatar
    05-06-2024, 05:05 PM
    I lived in LA when the Rodney King riots happened. She was on TV all the time, running her trap and defending the thugs who dragged Reginald Denny from his truck and bashed his head in. I wish someone could dig up clips and make a video go viral on that racist bitch.
    13 replies | 499 view(s)
  • susano's Avatar
    05-06-2024, 05:01 PM
    Worse. The word snake comes to mind. Republicans should sue him for fraud.
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    They closed the thread before I was able to respond to you, so I just wanted to say, I agree with all of your concerns about Rand Paul. I still think he's better than the other options, but he isn't my ideal. I'm most likely going to vote for him, but I don't blame people who won't. And if I was still going to live in NYS in 2016 (I'm moving to Virginia for college, which as we know is a swingy state) I would be less likely to vote for him. Even still, if the LP candidate is too good to pass up (Someone more like Harry Browne than Gary Johnson... the latter of which was more of a lesser of five evils) I would consider voting for them.
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My two daughters and I were gang-raped by some of the Newcomers. It landed us in the hospital for 3 weeks as several bones were broken. I don't blame them, it was a sexual emergency and I wasn't about to go all white privilege and deny them the release they needed, especially after being stuck in a hotel for months. I see the Newcomers as family now. They are on our side and will help us stop Trump. It is a small price to pay. Anything but Trump.

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